On May 23rd, Data4 Group, a major French player in data center operation and investment in Europe, has celebrated the inauguration of their first campus in Poland. The opening of this first data center is also an opportunity to highlight the group’s development in the Polish market. Given the high demand for colocation services in Poland, Data4 has already decided to start construction of a second building at a location near Warsaw in June.
In our ever-evolving digital age, the demand for reliable and scalable data storage and processing capabilities has skyrocketed. Data centers have become the backbone of our interconnected world, and Poland is no different. The market potential is rapidly growing, thus making it exceptionally attractive to investors. The campuses are purpose-built to provide businesses and organizations with robust computing power, redundancy, and seamless connectivity.
To achieve the above, Data4 Group has decided to open their first Polish data center in the campus located in Jawczyce, near Warsaw, on a 4 hectares site. The sub-Warsaw investment will include a total of 4 facilities, with a total power capacity 60 MW. The total available space and potential for future expansion amounts to 50,000 gross m2, including a net IT space of 15,000 m2. The campus will be connected by fibre-optic telecommunications links to the networks available in Warsaw. The main purpose of such installation is to ensure access to a large number of telecommunications operators. Its purpose is also to fully replicate the processes and solutions implemented in the other Data4 campuses across Europe. This level of connectivity empowers businesses to deliver seamless online experiences, support real-time applications, and unlock the potential of emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing.
On 23 May 2023, Data4 solemnly inaugurated the company’s first data center in Poland.
This special ceremony was honoured by the presence of extraordinary guests, including Data4 CEO Olivier Micheli, the Mayor of Ożarów Mazowiecki, Paweł Kanclerz, and the representative of the French Embassy in Poland, Ronan Venetz. As French companies have been among the leading investors in Poland for many years, the company shares values and a responsible approach to business with the following crucial organizations, which were also present at the inauguration: the Franco-Polish Chamber of Commerce, represented by Joanna Jaroch-Przeniczna, and the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, whose representative was Agniesza Szweda.

At the heart of any data center campus lies its infrastructure, meticulously crafted to deliver unparalleled performance and reliability. Beyond the technological advances, the opening of a data center campus has significant economic and environmental implications. These campuses generate investment, job creation and opportunities for local communities. Moreover, as sustainability becomes increasingly important, data center campuses are built with energy efficiency in mind. In line with its sustainability commitments, Data4 has deployed a range of technologies at its suburban campus to reduce the data center’s carbon footprint. The implementation of decarbonizing solutions covered both the construction phase and will be evident during the facility’s operation. The implementation of decarbonizing solutions has encompassed both the construction phase and will become apparent during the operation of the facility. Optimized concrete mixes to reduce CO2 emissions were used at every stage of the project, and to minimize the carbon footprint of transportation, raw materials were sourced from the nearest locations or transported by rail. Data4’s first data center in Poland was equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, such as a hot-aisle cooling system and the absence of raised floors. The center’s cooling system includes plastic pipes, which are a more efficient and durable solution than their steel counterparts. In addition, the use of these plastic components speeds up plant start-up, which was achieved for the first time Group-wide at the Data4 project near Warsaw. This commitment to environmental responsibility paves the way for a greener, more sustainable digital future.