International Women’s Day : DATA4 commits to gender equality

DATA4 Group

More than ever, parity is a major societal issue supported right up to the highest levels of the State. In November 2017, the President of the Republic declared equality between women and men as the “great national cause” for the next five years. At the professional level, the commitments made by the government include training, equal pay, economic independence, entrepreneurial initiatives and the recruitment of women in the digital and industrial sectors.

At the legal level, companies with between 50 and 249 employees will have to publish their first index of professional equality between women and men by 1 March 2020. If the score is less than 75/100, they will have three years to put in place a parity and egalitarian HR policy, at the risk of a financial penalty.

In addition, the report by the French High Council for Equality (HCE) on “Women’s access to responsibilities” has just recommended the use of quotas for executive and management committees in listed companies.

All these initiatives, commitments and measures are designed to enable women to make better use of their skills and expertise in the professional environment.

Up until now, women are still under-represented in some sectors such as engineering and digital technology. They respectively account for 33% and 30% of employees and are mostly employed in so-called “support” functions such as human resources, administration, marketing or communication. As for technical positions, they are very largely occupied by men, since only 16% of technicians in IT research and IT development are women*.

Our commitment to equality and professional diversity

At DATA4, gender equality is at the heart of the company’s values and is proudly supported by its President Olivier Micheli: “Gender equality is essential for us in order to embody the company’s image. Diversity also creates emulation and contributes to the company’s performance. The example of DATA4 sends a positive message for our sector of activity: it is indeed possible to attract female talent in so-called ‘very male’ professions, at the crossroads between real estate investment and digital technology.”

The feminisation rate of the European DATA4 Group perfectly reflects these commitments. It rose from 35% in 2018 to 40% in 2019, and reaches 46% for the Management Committee, which is composed of 7 men and 6 women.

DATA4’s commitments keep going! The company’s strong growth is accompanied by an ambitious recruitment plan. In 2019, DATA4 has increased its workforce by 30% and hired 54% women among these new talents.

The group has the potential to attract these female talents – and thus all its employees – by offering them a day package that gives them freedom of action within their organisation and thus enables them to benefit from a better balance between their professional and personal lives.

DATA4 is a company where it is good to work for both women and men. In the 2019 satisfaction survey conducted among all its employees, 100% of them are proud to work for the company.

*Source: Digital Women 2019 Survey

Content Manager - Anne-Sophie David

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