As a French and European operator, DATA4 – a major stakeholder on the data center market – is at the forefront of environmental issues relating to digital technology. The group has long been committed to a dynamic environmental approach and endeavours to achieve a balance between digital transition and sustainable development with its ambitious Data4Good CSR programme. One of the many actions undertaken relates to the long-term preservation of ecosystems and natural resources.
A 70 hectare forest, a natural carbon sink to be preserved
There is a classified forest of more than 70 hectares within DATA4’S Marcoussis campus in the Essonne department. With numerous tree species and abundant biodiversity, the site is a valuable natural carbon sink. Forests, just like oceans, bogs, etc., are major carbon sinks and play a vital role in reducing the greenhouse effect and therefore global warming.
“It is essential that DATA4 manage and preserve this priceless site by complying with all applicable regulations as part of the development of our activity”, states Jean-Paul Leglaive – the group’s QHSE and Sustainable Development Director.
By working in synergy with specialised agencies and the relevant public authorities, DATA4’S objective is therefore to manage this natural resource sustainably through a Plan Simplifié de Gestion to ensure durability.
To assess the carbon sink potential of this forest, DATA4 brought in a forestry expert approved by CNEFAF (Conseil National de l’Expertise Foncière Agricole et Forestière or French National Board of Agricultural and Land Expertise), who used the calculation principles of the “Label Bas Carbone”, a tool adopted by France to meet climate goals. As a result, nearly 45,000 tonnes of CO2 are currently stored in this forest; this resource naturally increased by more than 500 tonnes between 2020 and 2021.
In addition, DATA4 is committed to an “Eco-Jardin” certification process for its entire campus, as a further means of achieving progress. This French label certifies eco-friendly management of green spaces.