As part of our Data4Good sustainability program, we have undertaken a Circular Economy approach which impacts all our activities:

One of the key aspects of this approach relates to managing waste generated by our activity, in accordance with all applicable regulations.
Our Waste Management policy naturally involves all our stakeholders: employees, customers, service providers, tenants, visitors, etc. who are committed players within our campuses and offices.
This policy is consistent with a logic which promotes solutions with the lowest impact to reduce our environmental footprint, in particular as part of standard ISO 14001 for which we are certified:

In a very tangible manner, we have:
- increased the number of sorting areas at the back of each Data Center;
- informed and trained our stakeholders about sorting instructions to follow;
- set up an organisation with staff made available by our partner PAPREC on our site to support us in the implementation of this policy on a daily basis.

In addition to raising all stakeholders’ awareness of environmental benefits, the implementation of this policy also makes possible:
- reusing pallets or furniture;
- recycling cardboard to manufacture new cardboard boxes, metal to manufacture new components or WEEE to recover rare metals;
- recovering other waste to produce energy;
drastically reducing the landfilling of residual waste.
At the same time, we naturally continue to treat all our hazardous waste: batteries, sludge, oil, etc. in accordance with all applicable regulations.
“This policy is consistent with the continuous improvement approach which inspires us on a daily basis, and the results achieved will be regularly shared with all our stakeholders to remain in a virtuous circle”, stresses Jean-Paul Leglaive – DATA4’s QHSE & Sustainable Development Director.